County Sheriff
Sheriff David Jenkins
500 E. Wallace, Suite 206
San Saba, TX 76877
Phone: 325-372-5551
Fax: 325-372-3277
Chief Deputy
Reid Daly
Public Information Request - Required to be completed
Commonly Requested Records
Crash Report: You may obtain a Texas Peace Officer’s Crash Report (CR-3) (regular or certified) from the Texas Department of Transportation’s Crash Report Online Purchase System. [Website URL -]
Costs and Billing
Charges for copies of public information are set by the Office of the Attorney General.
If we anticipate the charge to fulfill your request will exceed $40.00, we will provide you with an itemized written estimate of the charges and indicate if a less costly alternative is available.
You must respond in writing within 10 days after the estimate is sent that you will accept the costs, or that you desire any stated alternative. If no written response is received in the time allowed by law, your request will be considered withdrawn.
If the anticipated charges for a particular request are more than $100.00. the San Saba County Sheriff’s Office will generally require a prepaid deposit or bond in the amount of the estimated cost before compiling the responsive records. Also, if you have an unpaid balance of more than $100.00 for previous requests, a prepaid deposit or bond may be required.
San Saba County Sheriff’s Office is under no legal obligation to respond if the requirements of the Public Information Act are not followed. For questions about the Public Information Act, please consult the Office of Attorney General, Open Government Division.
Please submit requests to
Resolution To Declare San Saba County A Second Amendment Sanctuary
to check the custody status of your Offender.
for information on missing Texas children.